Pope Bashing Yrump Again
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VATICAN CITY (ChurchMilitant.com) - Raging against Capitol Hill rally protestors and COVID-19 vaccine skeptics, Pope Francis announced he volition accept the abortion-tainted Pfizer jab when the Vatican rolls information technology out this week.

In an interview aired Sunday evening on Italian goggle box's TG5, Francis said doubting Thomases who refused to take the jab when it was safe possessed a "suicidal denialism."
"Ethically, anybody should receive the vaccine," the pope insisted, in the wide-ranging Canale v interview with announcer Fabio Marchese Ragona which covered the Wuhan crisis, the vaccine, the Capitol Hill siege, abortion and politics.
"Information technology is an ethical option, considering yous gamble your health, your life, but yous also risk the lives of others," Francis opined, contrary to earth-renowned virologists and immunologists who have warned that the vaccine may have serious and unknown health consequences.
It is time to "think well-nigh the 'we' and erase, for a menstruation of time, the 'I,' putting information technology in brackets," he emphasized. "Either nosotros are all saved together, or no one is saved."
The pontiff will receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, which uses the HEK-293 (homo embryo kidney) cell line from a 1972 abortion, in confirmatory testing, i.e., to "ostend that messenger RNA was properly coding for the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus."
The vaccine is dangerous and will send people to their doom.
Addressing Wednesday'due south Capitol Hill siege following the rally addressed by President Donald Trump, the pontiff insisted that violence "must always be condemned, regardless of those who perpetrate it."
"Violence is ever like this, isn't information technology?" the pope asked. "No people can boast of never having had a single day or instance of violence; it happens in history, but nosotros must understand well and then as not to repeat simply larn from history."
All the same, even mature societies can have flaws, and there are oftentimes people "who have a path against the community, against commonwealth and against the common good," he added.
Prof. Bhakdi warns against hastily created gene-altering COVID-19 vaccine
The violence, said Francis, "came as a surprise" to him. "I was amazed because they are a people who are then disciplined in democracy."
These "'irregular groups' that are non well-integrated in society, sooner or subsequently, will create these situations of violence," the pope explained.
It is an upstanding selection considering you lot risk your health, your life, but you also risk the lives of others.
Stressing that the pandemic had intensified the "throw-away civilisation" affecting the weakest members of society including the poor, the elderly and migrants, the pope noted that "abortion is not a religious but a human problem; it is pre-religious; information technology is a problem of human ideals."
"Information technology is a trouble that even an atheist must solve in his own way," Francis observed, asking: "Is it right, to end a human life to solve a problem, any trouble? Is information technology right to hire a hitman to solve a problem?"

Pope Francis did not condemn the savage Marxist Blackness Lives Affair (BLM) violence, which destabilized entire cities in the United states of america for months, with rioters targeting police force and replacing club with mob rule.
In Portland alone, rioters laid siege to the federal courthouse and indulged in vandalism, annexation, arson and destruction for 47 days in a row from 29 May until mid-July, according to the Department of Homeland Security.
However, as Church Militant reported, Vatican media praised BLM as a "move defended to not-violent ceremonious disobedience through protests against police force violence directed at black persons as well as all forms of racism."
The pope just expressed "business" while BLM escalated rioting and vandalism, targeted vulnerable and elderly people, campaigned to "defund the police" and pushed its stated goals of "disrupt[ing] the Western-prescribed nuclear family unit structure requirement."
"We cannot tolerate or plough a bullheaded eye to racism and exclusion in whatever form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human being life. At the aforementioned time, we accept to recognize that 'the violence of contempo nights is cocky-destructive and self-defeating," he said, appearing to arraign racism rather than rioters, in a June 3, 2022 general audience.
Francis also fabricated a phone phone call to commend Bp. Mark Seitz of El Paso, Texas, for supporting the violent movement later the prelate knelt with young man clergy holding upward BLM signs.
Abortion is non a religious but a human trouble.
The pontiff and Vatican media were criticized for failing to condemn or report on the toppling of St. Junípero Serra'due south statue in San Francisco, even though the Spanish Franciscan friar and missionary was canonized by Francis in 2015.
Francis refused to condemn BLM mobs vandalizing Catholic churches in California, Minnesota, New York, Kentucky, Texas and Colorado — including St. Peter Cathedral, the Maronite cathedral for the Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanese republic, St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Formulation in Denver.

Meanwhile, Francis' claims about the safety of the Pfizer vaccine has been questioned by a number of scientists, including distinguished microbiologist Prof. Sucharit Bhakti, who warns that "the vaccine is dangerous and will send people to their doom."
Dr. Bhakdi, who has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology and parasitology — for which he has received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate — has co-authored the bestseller Corona: False Alert? Facts and Figures with his scientist wife, Karina Reiss.
The book has accomplished the status of being the number ane bestseller in the Amazon categories of microbiology, pulmonary medicine and health law.
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Source: https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/pope-to-get-abortion-tainted-vaccine
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